Get DOI for Your Publication

Now get DOI for your publication with us! We joined hands with Crossref to provide DOI for your published paper. Crossref is an official Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation, powered by Publishers International Linking Association Inc. (PILA). Our unique DOI prefix is 10.24940.

How DOI works?

A unique identifier will be added to a published paper. They are unique worldwide. DOI allows published papers to be identified and accessed with certainty. Once DOIs are allocated, they never change. That means items allocated with a DOI can be easily found in different locations.

How do DOIs help manage published papers?

Anyone looking for any published material using the DOI can be sure they have found the correct material, even though it’s not owned by the respective author or is not in the location where it was expected to be. Other information can be associated with the object through the DOI system, such as a statement of rights ownership, or links to related material, or anything else.

What are the direct benefits of author?

DOI surely adds value to any published paper. It is a globally recognized system. It increases the visibility of the published paper. Author can also add DOI in their resume/CV with the particular publication details.

DOIs in use:

• First applications launched in 2000 • Currently being assigned by well over 5000 naming authorities e.g. publishers, science data centres, movie studios etc • Around 100 million DOI names assigned • Over 1.5 billion DOI resolutions per year (Source:

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