During the global lock-down due to COVID-19, our work suffered as much as the economy did. Especially for researchers, going out for population surveys, data collection and collaboration with fellow researchers, students and professors, everything came to a halt for indefinite amount of time.  People were forced to remain home to maintain order and stay safe. But now is the time when the world is coming out of that shutdown phase and resuming the daily activity as usual. Various places of work and education are opening doors to normalize the situation. In such uncertain time, building immunity from Corona Virus seems to be the best way to maintain not only a sound physical and mental health, but also a normal social and economic health. It is important to immunize yourself during COVID-19 such that you can stay mentally happy, physically healthy, socially and economically satisfied.

The following ways are extremely useful to boost your immunity during COVID-19 unlocking:-

  1. Eat More Fruits– Fruits have essential vitamins which can easily boost your immunity against the virus. Your body and mind will be healthier when you eat healthy. Vitamin B and D are important elements which help boost serotonin which keeps the mind and body happy. Hence it is the happy chemical.
  2. In Take Vitamin D– This is the vitamin for immunity. Vitamin D keeps our skin, nails and hair healthy. It protects our body from potential infection. Fatty fishes like Rohu, Salmon, Cod are good sources of vitamin D. Also, egg yolk, meat liver etc. have good fat which boosts Vitamin D, hence your immunity.
  3. Drink Warm Water Frequently– During a situation when viral infection chances are around, you want to keep your body clean. Drinking water frequently flushes out impurities and detoxify your body. Warm water especially helps in digestion and in killing germs that may be in your mouth or throat.
  4. Use Copper Vessels– It has been found according to medical studies that the particular virus survives the least on copper surface. In general, copper has always been considered to have health benefits for eating and drinking.
  5. Exercise & Meditate– Sweating is one of the best ways to detox yourself. Any form of cardio exercise keeps your heart and lungs, healthy. Sweating also relaxes the brain and purges out negativity. Mindfulness through meditation is the best way to create more head-space. When you are surrounded with depressive news and inappropriate information; when you may be suffering yourself from frustrations and insecurities, the best way to immunize yourself from negative energies is exercise and meditate.
  6. Keep Yourself Clean– Take bath in warm water at least twice a day, so that if you have chances of infection, it can be mitigated. Wash your hands frequently. Use sanitizer if possible, if touching different things at a time. If germs can be prevented, you will be less prone to falling sick
  7. Keep Writing– This is one of the best ways to vent out what you are going through. Writing can be in any form; you can write blogs, social posts or just a diary to write out your heart. Pour out the negative thoughts or things you are worried about. Write to enjoy, write to be relevant; also, write to attend to journal call for paper if required. Regular writing keeps you updated and paced so that if you have to do some academic writing, it shouldn’t be difficult for you, even if COVID-19 has caused problems in other things. In fact, writing content and blogs for some organizations can give you good money sitting at home. Freelancing in such places is not a bad idea to keep yourself economically immune to COVID-19.
  8. Stay Home– Staying home does a lot of jobs at the same time. Social distancing can be depressing, but it also protects you from fake information, hyped sentiments about certain things and unnecessary negativity and discrimination. Stay home to keep out virus. Stay home to avoid fake news, which also includes social media hypes and publicity stunts. Be informed about what you should do and what you should not but do not be misinformed. Practice empathy with others as well. Don’t think of yourself; immunize others as well by staying home.

Staying positive is the most important thing during a global downfall like this; you can focus on your work and current activities; clear your head and stay calm to protect your mental health. Communicate with individual social distancing and carry on your washing rituals to maintain a healthy living. When you keep yourself fit in all these aspects, you can do your work, research, study and respond to journal call for paper for successful continuation of your research. When you follow the above strategies, it isn’t hard to boost your immunity against Corona virus in all possible ways.

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